This policy sets out the procedures for reporting an act or omission that constitutes or may constitute:

It covers any situation that may cause any kind of harm to the internal control principles of the association and the society in general.

Institutions or individuals who detect or otherwise become aware of possible illegal acts or irregularities committed by parties that have an impact on their business activities should immediately notify the Board of Directors of the actions.

Evidence and detailed information must be provided to effectively verify the authenticity of the content of the complaint.

It is very important that the complaint includes:

a) A detailed description of the events that occurred and how the Whistleblower became aware of the situation;

b) The date and place of the incident;

c) The names and positions of the persons involved, or information identifying them;

d) Names of other parties who may approve the actions specified in the complaint;

e) Reference to documents that can confirm that the reported actions have occurred.


With knowledge of an alleged violation, the Board of Directors should:

a) Keeping the information received confidential

b) To encourage the Whistleblower Party to follow the Whistleblowing procedures specified in article 3 of the Policy,

c) If the complaint is received in writing, to send it immediately and only to the address next to you-ekip@yanindayiz.org or to the association headquarters if the complaint is printed.

• Confidentiality of the whistleblower or sender's identity is guaranteed by the Board of Directors.

• No threat, retaliation, punishment or discrimination of any kind will be tolerated against the Whistleblower or the alleged perpetrator of the crime - or any person involved in investigating the validity of the Complaint.

• Regardless of the specific laws on the subject, the Audit Department is responsible for checking the validity of the complaint.

• This study will be processed within the framework of the KVKK Disclosure Text of the association.