Serkan Kaptan
İcra Kurulu Başkanı, TAV Havalimanları

Serkan Kaptan

Serkan Kaptan, lisans derecesini İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nden aldı ve 2002’de Marmara Üniversitesi MBA programını tamamladı. Kaptan, 1998’de İstanbul Atatürk Havalimanı yap-işlet-devret projesi ile TAV Havalimanları’na katıldı. 2001’e kadar TAV Havalimanları’nın ortağı VIE’ye ait Airport Consulting Vienna şirketinde havalimanı işletme danışmanı olarak görev aldı. 2002’den itibaren TAV Havalimanları’nda iş geliştirme ve strateji, havayolu pazarlama, araştırma-geliştirme ve yatırımlarından sorumlu olarak görev üstlendi. Havalimanı ve havayolu işletmeciliği ile kamu-özel sektör iş birliği ile yapılan altyapı projelerinde 25 yıllık deneyime sahip olan Kaptan, 2016’dan itibaren TAV Havalimanları İcra Kurulu Başkan Yardımcılığı görevinin yanı sıra holdingin tüm iştiraklerinde yönetim kurulu üyesi olarak yer aldı. Mayıs 2022’de İcra Kurulu Başkanı olarak atandı. Kaptan, aynı zamanda ADP Orta Asya, Orta Doğu, Afrika, Doğu Avrupa ve CIS’ten Sorumlu İcra Kurulu Üyesi’dir. Hizmet İhracatçılar Birliği (HİB) YK Üyesi ve DEİK Letonya-Türkiye İş Konseyi Başkanı olarak görev yapan Kaptan, 2021’de Avrupa Havalimanları Konseyi (ACI Europe) Yönetim Kurulu’na seçildi. Kaptan evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Serkan Kaptan, CEO, TAV Airports
Serkan Kaptan received his BA degree from Istanbul University, Department of Business Administration and his MBA from Marmara University in 2002. He joined TAV Airports in 1998 with the build-operate-transfer project of the Istanbul Ataturk Airport. Until 2001, he served as a consultant at Airport Consulting Vienna, a company owned by VIE which was a partner of TAV Airports. From 2002 on, he was responsible for business development, airline marketing, R&D and investments. Having 25 years of experience in airport and airline operations and public-private partnership infrastructure projects, Kaptan was appointed as Deputy CEO of TAV Airports in 2016 and served as a Board Member for all TAV Airports’ subsidiaries. In Mat 2022, he was appointed as the CEO of TAV Airports. Kaptan is also a Member of ADP Executive Board in charge of Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and CIS. Serkan Kaptan, serves as a Board Member of the Service Exporters’ Association (HIB) and the Chairman of DEIK Turkey-Latvia Business Council. In 2021, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the European Region of the Airports Council International (ACI Europe). Kaptan is married with two daughters.

Serkan Kaptan, CEO, TAV Airports
Serkan Kaptan has 25 years of experience in airport and airline operations and public-private partnership infrastructure projects. He joined TAV Airports in 1998 to lead the business development, airline marketing, R&D and investments. He was appointed as Deputy CEO of TAV Airports in 2016 and served as a Board Member for all TAV Airports’ subsidiaries, before being appointed as the CEO of TAV in May 2022. Kaptan is a Member of ADP Executive Board in charge of Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and CIS and serves as a Board Member of the Service Exporters’ Association (HIB) and the Chairman of DEIK Turkey-Latvia Business Council. In 2021, Kaptan was elected to the Board of Directors of the European Region of the Airports Council International (ACI Europe).